Footways and cycle tracks
Guidance on accommodating footways and cycle tracks, and how to design them.
Access control barriers
Access control infrastructure should only be used to address a safety issue or prevent illegal motor vehicle access. It should not limit access for people walking, wheeling and cycling.
Bridges can overcome major barriers on desire lines.
Coloured surfacing
Coloured surfacing can help users identify cycle lanes and tracks. It is not a legal requirement to use coloured surfacing for cycle lanes and tracks, but it can be useful for active travel routes if used correctly.
Cycle tracks and cycle lanes
Protected cycle tracks offer segregated space to create inclusive cycling conditions. Cycle lanes are spaces reserved for cycling on the carriageway.
Steep gradients on walking, wheeling and cycling routes can discourage people from using them and, in some cases, exclude them altogether.
Pavements and footpaths
Pavements should provide a safe, comfortable and accessible space for people walking and wheeling.
Play facilities
Play facilities have an important role in creating attractive, social, and inclusive spaces.
Public rights of way (PRoW)
Public rights of way form important networks of traffic-free, active travel routes.