Introduction to shared cycle and scooter scheme storage

Most public cycles and e-scooters are stored on-street and need highway space to be allocated.

Docked systems also require local planning permission to install the equipment. An electrical supply is required, along with cycle parking docks and additional space for the terminal. This means the location of the docks need to be considered carefully, particularly as they would typically take up twice as much space as conventional cycle parking.

Dockless cycle and scooter schemes offer more flexibility than docked systems. However, cycles and scooters left on footways are hazardous to pedestrians, particularly vision impaired people. Dedicated parking areas can help minimise these hazards, though may reduce some of the ‘door to door’ convenience that attracts users to the scheme.

Where docks for shared cycle schemes are provided, consideration must be given to:

  • footway width
  • access for maintenance
  • redistribution of vehicles
  • drainage
  • access to utilities
  • planting
  • natural surveillance
  • pedestrian and cycling flows

Additional resources

Public cycle hire in Cycle Infrastructure Design (LTN 1/20)

Section 12.1 of Cycle Infrastructure Design (LTN 1/20) advises on planning and designing for public cycle hire schemes.

Developer checklist for providing cycle hire docking stations in London

This provides detailed guidance on how to plan for new cycle hire docking stations in London by Transport for London.

Providing for shared mobility in the Greater Manchester Streets for All Design Guide

The different street typologies in Greater Manchester Streets for All Design Guide show where shared mobility schemes can be accommodated in their design.

Further information on the Department for Transport e-scooter trials

This includes requirements for e-scooters and the non-regulatory controls local authorities may want to specify, including parking provision.



Guidance on active travel paths that are free from motorised traffic



Guidance on active travel features on streets that mainly serve residential properties



Guidance on active travel features on streets with lower volumes of motorised traffic



Guidance on active travel features on streets with high volumes of motorised traffic

Guidance on how to plan and design active places at a site-wide level