Images contained within the 'planning for active places' masterplan are used for illustrative purposes only. Please refer to the relevant guidance for more information.
This tool is not intended to replace or supersede existing policies or guidance outlined in the existing National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), Planning Practice Guidance (PPG) or any other potential changes to national planning policy or guidance in the future. It instead seeks to bring together existing published policy and guidance on active travel for new developments.
The NPPF sets out the Government’s planning policies for England and how they should be applied. PPGs add further context to the NPPF and it is intended that the two documents should be read together as they are both material considerations in the planning process.
Chapter 9 of the NPPF contains policy on sustainable transport, which includes walking and cycling considerations. The framework should be read as a whole, including its footnotes and annexes, when determining planning applications and in plan making.