Introduction to accessible parking, pick-up and drop-off points

Accessible drop-off and parking provision is essential for disabled motorists and passengers.

Accessible parking spaces and drop-off points should be located as close as possible to building entrances, where safe access can be provided.

Parking for disabled motorists and passengers who hold blue badges should be made wherever parking is provided. The Blue Badge scheme is designed to enable disabled people to park closer to their destination.

Accessible parking spaces should be larger than regular spaces and located within 50 metres of the entrance.

Pedestrians should not be expected to cross a road when travelling to or from the car park or drop-off point. Where this is unavoidable, dropped kerbs should be provided to ensure level access, with an appropriate tactile paving surface provided.

Additional resources

Car parking in Inclusive Mobility

Section 8 of Inclusive Mobility provides detailed information on planning and designing accessible car parking.

Access to taxis and Blue Badge parking in the ATE route check tool

The ATE route check tool considers distance to accessible pick-up, drop-off or hailing points, or blue badge parking facilities.



Guidance on active travel paths that are free from motorised traffic



Guidance on active travel features on streets that mainly serve residential properties



Guidance on active travel features on streets with lower volumes of motorised traffic



Guidance on active travel features on streets with high volumes of motorised traffic

Guidance on how to plan and design active places at a site-wide level