Active Travel England has a role in the planning system as a statutory consultee for development management via Schedule 4 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015.

Active Travel England works alongside local planning authorities to ensure new infrastructure and developments are designed with active travel at the forefront. This includes providing provision for high quality cycling and walking networks, green spaces and green routes, and supporting facilities such as cycle parking.

Our work complements Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans by local authorities and the work of local consultees, including the public. 

Development management

Since Thursday 1st June 2023, Active Travel England (ATE) has officially been a statutory consultee on all planning applications for developments equal to or exceeding:

  • comprising of 150 homes or more
  • more than 7,500 square metres in size
  • an area of at least five hectares

As a statutory consultee, ATE works to ensure new planning applications consider active travel provision from the outset.

Guidance and documents

Planning for active places

A masterplan providing development guidance to design accessible walking, wheeling and cycling environments.

View the masterplan

Sustainable development advice notes

Two advice notes have been produced to reflect the different considerations that apply within and outside of London.

View standing advice notes

Planning application assessment toolkit for local planning authorities

The toolkit allows local planning authorities to gather evidence and assess the active travel merits for a development proposal.

View the assessment toolkit

Development management for local planning authorities

Provides local planning authorities with clear guidance on how ATE will approach planning casework.

View the procedural note

Inclusive mobility

A guide to best practice on improving access to public transport and creating a barrier-free pedestrian environment.

View guidance (opens in a new window)
"As a statutory consultee ATE will work with planning authorities and developers to help them ensure new estates give people what they need to get fresh air and exercise, save money on petrol and help fight climate change"
- Chris Boardman CBE, National Active Travel Commissioner

Case studies